An increasing number of US families report spending 10% more than in previous years for child care. Since the revising cost of childcare is making this service inaccessible for many families, those that require household help have turned toward nannies.
In turn, hiring a nanny has become a much more appreciated option than it was in previous years, and over 60% of households in America today leverage the help and support of a childcare professional.
Yet, as the number of nannies hired increases, the phone calls we receive from frantic clients who have received a fine have also skyrocketed. These fines – which can be even higher than a thousand dollars – are issued by the State of New York because of employee negligence. But why is that?
Nannies Are Your Employees
If a business has employees working over 40 hours each week, or who are live-ins, it is the employer’s responsibility to carry workers’ compensation, disability, and paid family leave policies. You can always count on a team of experts ready to help you and support you throughout your unique journey. Get in touch today to get all of your questions answered.
What many families hiring nannies fail to realize is that nannies, just like caregivers and housekeepers, are your employees. In turn, the fines that you might receive for not complying with the State of New York’s requirements can be severe.
So, What To Do If You Have Hired A Nanny?
Whether you have already been notified of a fine or you have just realized that you are not complying with the State’s requirements, you need to rectify the situation immediately. But don’t fret!
While getting all the policies in place might involve an added expense for households, the whole process of lawfully hiring a domestic employee in New York has been simplified and streamlined through the Bhalu Insurance portal. This online platform allows you to obtain all the forms and policies you need, including workers’ compensation, disability, and paid family leave paperwork.
And, once your purchase is completed, all you need to do is sit back. The Bhalu Insurance portal will automatically inform the state and ensure 360° compliance,
Find Tailored Advice At Bhalu Insurance
Here at Bhalu Insurance, we strive to create a system that is easy to use, intuitive, and streamlined, so that it can work for any household, at all times. Nonetheless, we understand that each family is unique, and conditions can vary.
That is why, if you still have questions and doubts, you should not think twice about getting in touch with our highly trained staff! Our team of experts are here to review your unique situation and respond to your specific questions.
What if you received a notice of a fine already? Not to fear! You are not the only household going through this challenging experience. Our experienced staff has worked on thousands of different cases and has the knowledge and skills necessary to reduce or eliminate the fines received.
What To Expect From Bhalu Insurance
If you have been looking to hire a nanny, the chances are that you have discovered the NYSIF. So, why choose us? At Bhalu Insurance, we have the same workers’ compensation coverage, just different insurance carriers. Thanks to our extensive network and experience in the industry, we can help you find the most suitable policy for your needs, provide a simpler application process, and keep all of your coverages organized and accessible.
And, of course, you can always count on a team of experts ready to help you and support you throughout your unique journey. Get in touch today to get all of your questions answered.